If You See Someone With These Tattoos, Call The Cops

People with tattoos that catch your eye might be someone you encounter while walking around your neighborhood. While tattoos can often be a form of personal artistic expression, it’s important to recognize that certain tattoos may indicate gang affiliation. Understanding this can help you be more aware of potential dangers and take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Gang-related activity is no longer confined to large urban areas like New York or Los Angeles. It has spread into smaller communities and towns, making it a growing concern across the country. Being able to recognize the signs of gang membership, particularly through tattoos, can be an essential skill for keeping yourself safe. By familiarizing yourself with common gang-related tattoos, you can better understand what you’re seeing and take precautions if necessary.

Tattoos are often used by gang members to signify their affiliation with a particular group, as well as to mark their territory and assert dominance. Many gangs have specific symbols or numbers that are permanently inked on their members’ bodies, serving as a way of identifying who belongs to which group. These tattoos are often highly symbolic and carry significant meaning within the gang culture. Learning to recognize these symbols can help you avoid potentially dangerous encounters and keep your community safer.

Here is a list of some of the most common gang-related tattoos that you should be aware of:

  1. Aryan Brotherhood Tattoos (14 or 88): Members of the Neo-Nazi Aryan Brotherhood gang often have the numbers “14” or “88” tattooed on their bodies. These numbers are symbolic within the white supremacist movement and indicate membership in this large prison-based gang. “14” refers to a 14-word slogan used by white supremacists, while “88” represents “Heil Hitler” (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet).
  2. Spiderweb Tattoo: This tattoo is most commonly seen on the elbow and is associated with individuals who have spent a significant amount of time in jail or prison. In many cases, people with this tattoo have joined a gang while incarcerated, often for protection. It’s a strong visual marker of someone’s involvement in criminal activity or gang life.
  3. Teardrop Tattoo: The meaning of the teardrop tattoo can vary depending on the gang, but it is usually associated with murder. In many cases, it signifies that the individual has killed someone, often on behalf of the gang. This tattoo can be one of the most chilling indicators of gang violence.
  4. Three Dots Tattoo: This tattoo is symbolic of a gang lifestyle, often meaning “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It is not necessarily tied to any specific gang but rather represents a commitment to a life of crime and gang-related activities. People with this tattoo are often deeply involved in gang culture, even if they don’t belong to a specific gang.
  5. Five-Dot Tattoo: A five-dot tattoo is more severe than a three-dot tattoo and often signifies a long prison sentence. The dots are arranged with four on the outside and one in the center, symbolizing the individual being trapped within the system (the four dots representing the prison walls and the one dot representing the prisoner).
  6. MS Tattoo: This tattoo is associated with the infamous MS-13 gang, which originated in El Salvador. Members of MS-13 often have “MS” or “MS-13” tattooed prominently on their bodies, marking their affiliation with this violent international gang. MS-13 members are notorious for their brutal and random acts of violence, often targeting innocent civilians.

If you see someone displaying any of these tattoos, it’s wise to keep your distance. The recent surge in gang activity, coupled with efforts like “defund the police,” has made it more challenging for law enforcement to effectively combat rising crime rates. This has allowed some gangs to grow in strength and influence, making them a greater threat to public safety.

In today’s world, staying vigilant and aware of potential signs of gang involvement is more important than ever. Recognizing these tattoos and understanding their meanings can be a crucial step in protecting yourself and those around you. Your awareness and caution could even save lives.

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